Monday, February 18, 2008

Is it all worth it?

The New York winter can be quite hard on the psyche. It isn't so much the cold as it is the length and darkness. Getting out of bed at 6 am when its pitch black and going to lift with several layers of clothing isn't a lot of fun. Also, it is easier to gravitate toward " comfort foods" than a bodybuilding menu. After all, there aren't many  opportunities to show off your physique right now, so why bother? Is it really worth all the sacrifices?
In short: yes! Every meal, every rep sets me apart from those who cant do it. It makes me feel good about myself and life as such. Bodybuilding  is more than a sport , it is therapy, almost a religion. So keep on training and eating right! Besides, you wont be in shape for a July 4th bash when you start training on Memorial Day.