A client of mine recently brought up Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany after WW II. That got me thinking that this would be a good topic. For those of my esteemed readers, who don't know him, here is a brief list of his accomplishments: After being incarcerated during the Third Reich he became Mayor of Cologne and was elected Chancellor in 1949. His politics helped to rebuild Germany from the ashes of the war, integrated it into NATO, and he managed to get the last German POW's released from the USSR in 1955.
He was certainly a character, never one to mince words. Not exactly an easy fellow, but the right man for a difficult time. One of the things he said was: "Make yourself unpopular, then you will be taken seriously."
I could not agree more - sometimes political correctness does more harm than good. If you truly want to change things or help others, you will have take an unpopular stance once in a while.
"Adipose tissue " is still fat, a "core class" will not get you shredded and doing "a couple sets of leg extensions" will not build legs. Certain things are just stupid or ineffective and should be called for what they are.
Day in and day out, the fitness industry is overloading people with new hype programs, fads and gimmicks. Don't fall for it, be like Adenauer and stay the course, it pays off the the long run.
Till next time!