One of the greatest things about creating a great physique is that you have something everyone wants, but 95% of all people simply lack the will power to achieve.
Many people want to be "in shape" or "look good" but is that really true? Do they really want it?
Honestly, I don't think so. Here are the top 5 excuses I hear from people who fail.
1. I don't have the time/too busy.
Michelle Obama works out 4 times a week, has two kids and that little side job, being the First Lady of the United States. Are you really that busy?
What's the catch? She trains at 4:30 am.
2. I can't afford it because the economy is difficult/I lost my job.
Gyms cost around 30$ a month, so that should be doable. If the diet is an issue, get a card for Costco or Sam's Club where you get all your bodybuilding staples at wholesale prices.
Besides, you can easily drop $50 when going out, so don't tell me money is all that tight.
If you are recently unemployed, you should be even more interested in working out since it will be easier to land a job if your level of fitness is higher. Plus, the better you feel about yourself, the more confidence you have. Fitness should be on top of your priority list.
3. I don't have the genetics.
Google Frank Zane or see my August 10, 2008 post.
4. I need to take steroids to look like...
For the n-th time, steroids will not make you a champion if you do not already look great.
Three things matter in bodybuilding: training, eating and sleeping. Most people have an ok training program, a mediocre rest pattern and a horrible diet. Taking (illegal and dangerous) chemicals to screw with your body's hormonal mechanism is not going to help you, if you eat junk at 2 am or exaggerate your alcohol consumption.
Clean up your diet and life style, you will be surprised how far you can go.
5. It is simply too hard.
Take it step by step. Establish 5 healthy meals a day and 3 good workouts per week. Try to improve every week, do not over complicate things.
So, do you really want it?
Till next time