Everywhere you turn to these days, there is only one theme: the economic downturn. The media seems to be in a competition about who can paint the gloomiest picture. Some say it will be like 1929, or worse; I even read about a hundred year depression. I wonder if any of these forecasters predicted the Giants to win the Super Bowl as well.
The way I see it, nobody knows what will happen and there is little one can do to stem the global tide. So it makes sense to look into areas that can be improved such as your physical well being. It is certainly easier to deal with a higher stress level when in good physical condition and it is certainly not a good idea to be 20 lbs overweight and stressed out. So take the time to work out and eat right, another hour at the office won't make a difference in the great scheme of things but it will do a lot of good for your mind and body.
Remember: your most valuable capital is you!