So my show came and went, I am not very happy with the outcome, even though I believe that the physique that i brought was my best one yet. However,the judges did not see it that way and placed me third. needless to say, lamenting won't give a better body, so after every show it is a very good idea to a good hard look at yourself and find out what is missing.
In my case, it is rather obvious: 10 lbs on upper chest and arms. So on Monday I was back in the gym , doing arms and cardio. I also stayed on my diet, just added some more red meat ( not exactly a punishment). While setbacks are never very pleasant, they can be a hidden gift. I know this one will blow my arms up to 18 "!
Lift heavy!
Horse= 18"
Hammy= 16.5"
if ONLY I can place top three in Masters in my next round. . . . .
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