Sounds great but doesn't work. First, what is cortisol? Cortisol is a glandular hormone, excreted in a fight or flight situation in order to ensure the nutrient flow into your blood stream. Cortisol is the primary glucocorticoid, meaning it increases the glucose levels in the blood stream.
It is not a bad thing per se, it is needed to ensure that the body functions properly (just like any other hormone in the system).
The levels of cortisol can be elevated due to strenuous dieting, training, travel, anger, alcohol consumption etc. And while cortisol facilitates the storage of adipose fat, it can only do that when provided with extra calories. People that are overworked and/or under slept tend to eat unconsciously and overdo it which then causes the weight gain.
It would go beyond the scope of this post to evaluate all cortisol suppressing supplements, lets just say that vitamin C and glutamine have shown some promise, but the effects are nothing to write home about.
If you are serious about loosing that belly fat , you'll need to de-stress your life, organize your sleep and clean up your diet.
No pill will do that for you!
Till next time