Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Dominican experiment

Last week, I ventured to the beautiful beaches of the Dominican Republic for five days. Just water, sand and clean food. Hmmm clean food...that set off a light bulb. What if I ate above maintenance (without any supplements) and lifted 3 times while there? Could it be possible to pack on muscle in that short of a time frame?
So I started at 225lbs, kept my intake high in protein, carbs, and fats ca 5000 cal daily.
As for foods, I'd stick to the staples: chicken, steak, rice, beans, avocado, fruit.
During my stay, I could actually feel my body absorbing the nutrients and utilize them for growth, upon my return I weighed in at 229lbs with only slightly higher body fat.
So it seems to be possible to go on a "clean eating binge" and gain mostly muscle, however, it looks like that after 6-7 days that process is being reversed and one stores more fat.
Too bad....it was a lot of fun
Till next time
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