How is everybody? The weather in NYC just turned spectacular, I can not remember such a beautiful Easter in the city since I ve lived here.
Easter is also notorious for Easter candy and a client of mine alerted me to two phenomenons I had no idea that they existed.
Easter phenomenon Nummer 1: peeps. What the ...?? why would anybody think that making something that looks like it could survive a triple Chernobyl blast is a good idea? The coloring alone is reason enough not to eat it, the sugar content will do the rest. I wonder what the shelf life of these things is? 20 years?
If anyone from the food industry is reading this , how about making some whey protein peeps?
EP number 2: the candy bowl which should be called bowls, in this case we have M+M's, skittles, chocolate covered almonds etc all in their separate nests. This set-up is created by the hoarder or forager, an overbearing office worker who feels the need to feed the world (with junk).
Crime scene: almost any office in North America.
This one is interesting on different levels. So on the one side you have the forager who keeps refilling the bowl and keeps even more candy under the desk in case that by rare chance the candy levels drop by a quarter inch.
On the other hand, there are the victims or colleagues who are constantly being lured to the bowl. One of the goals of the forager is increased traffic and more human contact, the bowl serves as a tool for this.
SO this is certainly a noble intention, it would be even better if it was done with pieces of fruit and almonds.
So how to fight the bowl? First, you can try an educational but not condescending approach. You will be amazed by how little people know about food, from there on you can nudge them toward healthier eating.
If that doesn't work, you have to resign yourself to the fact that some people simply don't care about bodybuilding or even worse are trying to sabotage healthy eating habits. Sad but true....For now avoid them, they will see the light at some point.
Happy Easter