Thursday, February 26, 2009

I simply can't build my shoulders/arms/calves...!

Everyone has these stubborn body parts that don't seem to grow, no matter what you do. But are you really doomed to have sub par arms or calves?

Well, that depends on how much you want it. While there are certain things that you just can't change such as muscle insertions, shape of the muscle and fiber composition, there is also the element of desire and will power.

If you determined enough, you can bring up any muscle.

Let's look at a real life example, an athlete ( we ll call him Jim) whose shoulders were lagging behind the rest of his body in terms of size and strength. He had torn a rotator cuff which severely limited his workouts. In addition, he works in a stressful environment, travels a lot and is past his thirties (the prime muscle building time). All in all, a less than perfect body building scenario.

So what did he do?

He prioritized his shoulders, worked them twice a week with a particular focus on the rear delt. After 12 months of hard work, his shoulders are now rounder and fuller that ever.

Way to go, Jim!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EXcellent shoulder building progress noted by others on Jimbo as well! Nice work to you both!