Monday, September 28, 2009

Why bodybuild?

The sport of bodybuilding is one of the most difficult endeavors there is. Unlike any other athletic activity, it requires a 24/7 following. In most other sports, you have a certain amount of practice time and then some time off. Here there is no such thing; on the contrary, the time spent away from the gym is even more critical than the actual training time. It is during that time when you are supposed to recover and cook you meals. Muscle grows outside the gym, not inside.
But back to topic. Why should anyone in the right mind pick up this sport? OK, so there are the obvious health benefits, you lose weight, look better, attract more sex partners, live longer etc.
But that is not it. The true benefit of bodybuilding is what I call empowerment. Once you start training successfully, you will realize that out of a sudden you are in charge of your physique. You are the one modeling it to your liking, no one else. No one can be blamed for success or failure but you. You are in control.
This feeling of control can then be applied to other aspects of your life, be it work or a relationship. This is , what I believe, the greatest gift bodybuilding has to give.
Till next time

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A new disciple

Over the last couple weeks, we had a new addition to the Adlertraining family, Davis. This young lifter has been chasing me for weeks at Midcity Gym, trying to get some help with his training and diet. Once I realized how serious he was , I agreed to coach him for the next couple weeks, making it very clear that this would not be an easy road.
With only 8 month of training on his own under his belt, he managed to built a decent upper body. Lower body, that's a different story....needless to say, he came to right place. So far he managed to make it through a couple leg workouts, including the dreaded 100s and barbell lunges.
His goal is to be a lean 190 lbs by Christmas (current weight 176 lbs),drug free of course, which I believe is very doable. So far, he has shown great enthusiasm and an excellent work ethic. During the next couple weeks, I will post updates and pictures as to his progress and development.
Stay tuned

Monday, September 7, 2009

Daily Rant-Read With Caution!

Today I worked out in a more commercial gym, due to the Labor Day Holiday. Most of my training grounds are more on the hardcore side; I am not exposed that much to what goes on in Gym America. This is probably for the better, since it would drive me insane otherwise.
Exhibit A: Clients "working out" with a trainer, doing the same workout every time. Why would your body change if it is not challenged?!!! This is just a case of the trainer being lazy and the client complacent.
Very often, these people do countless sets of abs to get lean. It won't work if your diet is out of whack. All the ab work won't get you lean, you'd be better off squatting, dead lifting etc..but that is hard work, so rather stay away from it.
As for cardio and fat loss, don't get me started....
B: Using a weight belt when doing rear delt flyes! You must be joking! The belt is there to protect your core during heavy sets of deads and squats. Most people will never have to worry about that since their intensity in the gym matches a turtle on Valium.
C: As I was rowing 275 for my fourth set, a trainer comes over and asks me if I was sure about that rep speed. Rep speed? I am trying to get the &$#@% weight up!
If you are on the US Olympic weightlifting team, rep speed is important. If you are not, just keep lifting. Most people over complicate everything within their workouts and forget about intensity. If you do not get stronger, you will not get better. It is that simple.
OK, now I feel better.
Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Glengarry Glen Ross- or why I bodybuild!

Anyone who has ever seen the above movie will never forget Alec Baldwin's performance when he gives the motivational speech to the brokers. During that, he makes fun of Ed Harris : "Yes, you are going to end up in a bar, talking to a friend, yeah, I was a salesman once, it's a tough racket. So I quit"
That is pretty much what happens to 95% of all gym goers: "Yeah I work out but I just can't stick to it and I struggle with the diet. It's too hard!"
Don't be Ed Harries ! (no offense) If you spend the time in gym, go all the way. Stick to your diet, get your rest, keep track of your progress. Otherwise there won't be any. To go back to a young and slim Alec Baldwin - AIDA.
Attention: Do I have your attention now? Interest:Are you interested in a better body? Of course you are. Decision: Have you made your decision already? Action: then go out there and get the body you want.
Forward, always forward.