The statement in the title is something I hear quite often , be it in the gym or just during a conversation. Genetics seem to be the main culprit for athletic shortcomings, be it to build muscle or to loose body fat. So how much do genetics really influence your success in the gym?
The answer is: less than you would like to believe. While it is true that everyone has good and not so good muscle groups, it is also true that ANYONE can get in amazing shape.
Most of us don't have the potential of a certain Arnold S. but this does not mean that we can not achieve our respective goals. Let's take the gentleman to the left, Frank Zane.
He had narrow clavicles, a long torso, 16 " arms and weighed 190 lbs at a height of 5'10". In other words,one of the worst possible make ups for a pro bodybuilder.
He also won Mr. Olympia 3 times, beating even Arnold.
How did he do it? You guessed it , he stuck to his diet, trained with an unmatched intensity and did not take no for an answer.
So don't psych yourself out about your genetics, you cannot change them anyways.
Keep lifting!
nice, !! well put, needed to be said and zane is my favorite bb....
gxnfttaiGreat Topic !!!
Hard work and a proper diet can SMASH the genetics mythology.
When my calves started to grow, I became a believer!
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