Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Training while travelling
As some may know, I am spending the holidays in Romania with my wife and family. The landscape and towns are very beautiful and we really get to relax. BUT as a true musclehead I have to workout. So Alexandra had to sacrifice her afternoon to find a gym. And so she did as you can see. While the place does not look like an Equinox, I got a great workout!
Those of you that work out at Mid City Gym can certainly relate. After all your muscles don't know where they are, they either contract or relax. So I employed my bodybuiling knowledge and used partial reps, static holds, posing between etc to maximize the workout.
Bodybuilding is about attitude and commitment not fancy equipment. Besides, I have yet to see a pro training at Equinox.
I am off to a wholesome, clean dinner!
Till next time
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Stocks are down, invest in yourself!
Everywhere you turn to these days, there is only one theme: the economic downturn. The media seems to be in a competition about who can paint the gloomiest picture. Some say it will be like 1929, or worse; I even read about a hundred year depression. I wonder if any of these forecasters predicted the Giants to win the Super Bowl as well.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How to avoid the holiday 10
Friday, November 14, 2008
A word on setbacks....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Evening awards show beginning. . .
formidable this time around.
Wiedenbach states he is impressed by the level of conditioning in some
of his competitors.
And so we are holding our breath . . .
Go Maik!
Word on the Net.....
his class!
Stay tuned folks. . .
Saturday, November 1, 2008
8 more days....
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Die Nummer 1 sind wir!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The other 50%
And there is the athletes spouse! Without an understanding and supportive significant other it is absolutely impossible to be successful. The challenges are many, no social life, moodiness on low-carb days, stained sheets from the posing color etc.
In fact, during my current preparation I would have divorced myself 4 weeks ago! So we should always keep in mind, that despite all those muscles we are only half the picture.
Train heavy!
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
I just don't have the genetics
The statement in the title is something I hear quite often , be it in the gym or just during a conversation. Genetics seem to be the main culprit for athletic shortcomings, be it to build muscle or to loose body fat. So how much do genetics really influence your success in the gym?
The answer is: less than you would like to believe. While it is true that everyone has good and not so good muscle groups, it is also true that ANYONE can get in amazing shape.
Most of us don't have the potential of a certain Arnold S. but this does not mean that we can not achieve our respective goals. Let's take the gentleman to the left, Frank Zane.
He had narrow clavicles, a long torso, 16 " arms and weighed 190 lbs at a height of 5'10". In other words,one of the worst possible make ups for a pro bodybuilder.
He also won Mr. Olympia 3 times, beating even Arnold.
How did he do it? You guessed it , he stuck to his diet, trained with an unmatched intensity and did not take no for an answer.
So don't psych yourself out about your genetics, you cannot change them anyways.
Keep lifting!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
And what else is happening?
I figured it is time to give an update about the overall developments at Adlertraining. Even though we are in the midst of summer, fall season is approaching fast and several clients are competing.
First in line would be Vince, who is competing in a sprint triathlon in Connecticut on August 1st. We have been working hard to improve his swimming and tweaked the diet accordingly. Then there is Scott "Dr. Abs", who will compete in a natural bodybuilding in October. His diet and training are on track, i am sure he will do damage in the Masters class.
As for my self I plan on competing in September and November, hopefully 15 lbs heavier than last year with the same leanness.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Alcohol and bodybuilding, do they go together?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Jan '08 to July '08 or " but I am doing pretty good with my eating"
The single biggest factor in the battle for a better body is nutrition. And yes, everyone knows about which foods to eat etc and yet , hardly anyone is in shape.How is this possible? Lack of willpower for sure but also limited understanding of caloric intake.
First of all, you need to take responsibility for your physical appearance. Energy CANNOT be created, so if you store more energy ( body fat) than you would like to, you are simply eating too much.
For starters a food diary is an absolute necessity if you are serious about changing your physique. Write down everything you eat and drink for five days, then review it. Even ABC news did mention the advantages of such a food log today http://www.abcnews.go.com/Health?Fitness?story/id=5327486&page=1
From there , you need to figure out the optimal caloric intake for you, which should allow you to drop 2 lbs per week on a constant basis. In order to do that, weigh all you foods and use websites like www.thecaloriecounter.com to figure out macro nutrients and caloric value. Success will be inevitable!
" But I can't do that" I hear quite often, when I make this suggestion. This goes back to point 1 : Take responsibility for the way you look"
for the non-believers. . . ., the picture above is a client who told me in February that he is doing"pretty well with his diet", since Mid-April he follows his diet to the T ( his partner also, I am not sure if he had a choice...) and they both have achieved amazing results as evident.
So I urge anyone who is serious with his training to take the next step and learn as much as possible about diet and put this knowledge to good use.
Until next time
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Setting goals
I was recently asked to write about the journey of training and dieting. While this seems like a rather arduous task, it really isn't. In a way, bodybuilding is somewhat similar to business. You need a vision ( of yourself) and a strategy as to how to get there.Do you have body parts that lack? Do you want to add another 15 lbs of muscle?
From there on you draw up a plan for 6 or 12 months and set the stage. As you go along ,you need to have smaller goals that are achievable within a 4 week time frame. ( upper abs coming through, bench up by 5 lbs etc). In my experience, athletes with a poorly laid out plan still do better than without one.
Another very important tool is visualization , you need to have a vision of yourself what you would like to look like. If that presents a problem, pick someone out of a magazine, or choose Tom Platz's legs, Arnolds biceps, Ronnies back ,Cutlers haircut :-) as your model.
Equipped with these tools, you should reach your potential!
Train hard,
P.S.: Attached is a pic from the Adlertraining bowling party,. I hope everyone had fun!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Are you really getting results?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Another day, another pump or how to overcome setbacks
Every athlete in training is at some point in time with an injury, a stressful phase in life, a trip etc in short: training progress is being hindered or comes to a full stop. How to cope with a situation like that?
One has to remember that progress does not follow a straight line, very often it is three steps forward, one back.
So every rep,set, workout, meal is another brick in that house that you are attempting to build. Never give up, every day matters!
Keep training hard, Memorial Day is almost here!
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Not just bodybuilding at Adlertraining
Last weekend, I had the great pleasure to accompany one of my clients at her event; a triathlon relay the 2008 Aflac Iron Girl Las Vegas, my client was to cover the swimming leg. The race itself took place in Las Vegas, so at least warm weather was a given. The water , on the other hand, turned out to be freezing.
The total preparation time was only 10 weeks, but with a lot of hard work and willpower my client managed to hit all goals I had given her. She swam about 4-5 times per week, total yardage around 15000 y/week. In addition, she performed two weight training sessions weekly
The actual race day started around 5 am with a light warm up in the hotel pool, then it was on to the site of the race , Lake Las Vegas. The total starter field was around 200 starters including some pro-level athletes. After warm up, I felt pretty good about my client's abilities to place in the top third.
We went over some last minute adjustments and the race plan, then it was off!
To my great joy, my client posted the fastest swimming time of all the relays and her team won the event!
This called for a celebration dinner on Saturday, further triathlons are in the making. Stay tuned!
Friday, March 21, 2008
About my brother
So whenever I don't feel like eating chicken and getting up at 530 am to train I remember my brother and think to myself: What's my excuse?
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Monday, February 18, 2008
Is it all worth it?
The New York winter can be quite hard on the psyche. It isn't so much the cold as it is the length and darkness. Getting out of bed at 6 am when its pitch black and going to lift with several layers of clothing isn't a lot of fun. Also, it is easier to gravitate toward " comfort foods" than a bodybuilding menu. After all, there aren't many opportunities to show off your physique right now, so why bother? Is it really worth all the sacrifices?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Strange exercises, are they the secret?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
" Das interessiert mich wirklich nicht" or I really don't care
Does that mean we should all become social retards? Not at all, but let's face it : bodybuilding requires a lifestyle that is somewhat uncommon and requires certain sacrifices(Why can't you eat like other people? Why won't you have a drink?). Truth to be told " normal" in our society very often equals unhealthy and it is sometimes necessary to take a stand. So in that sense, the next time someone asks you " Why are you so obsessed with working out? Why can't you be like a normal person?" just politely smile and think to yourself " Das interessiert mich wirklich nicht".
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A new year.....
And yet, it is not an all meaningless physique cult. First of all, a bit of vanity can be healthy for the individual and the environment. Secondly, not only bodybuilders are vain, why else would John Edwards be getting 400$ haircuts?
But most importantly, bodybuilding is not just lifting weights and eating chicken with rice. It is also about interacting with people you have nothing in common with but the the love of the iron. Training is a great way to bridge social and cultural gaps, since it is the common denominator. You be surprised by the friendships you might build.
So keep training hard and save those newbies from doing 20 sets of curls and no squats!